Chapter 3

Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions



Type in and run the five programs presented in this chapter.


List which of the following are invalid variables names, and why.


char // Keyword for a type in C
6_05 // Variable names cannot start with a digit
A$ // Variable names must be alphanumeric


List which of the following are invalid constants, and why.


// Useful resource:

0096 // Octal constants can only contain integers between 0 and 7
0x10.5 // Hexadecimal floats require a exponent (e.g. 0x10.5p2 where 0x is a prefix indicating a hexadecimal value, 10.5 is the significand, and p2 indicates 10 to the power of 2)
98.7U // Invalid suffix U on a floating constant
1.2Fe-7 // Invalid suffix Fe-7 on a floating constant (1.2e-7 would be valid, don't need a F suffix on a literal floating constant)
0X0G1 // Hexadecimal integer can only include characters from A - F
17777s // An integer can only be followed by the suffix' u, U, l, or L
15,000 // No commas are allowed in a integer


Write a program that converts 27® from degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C).


Write down the expected output from the following program.


d = d


Write a program to evaluate the polynomial 3x3 - 5x2 + 6.


Write a program that evaluates the expression (3.31 x 10^-8 x 2.01 x 10^-7) / (7.16 x 10^-6 + 2.01 x 10^-8) and displays the results.


For the next exercise, use the following formula to find the largest even multiple of i when divided by j:

Next_multiple = i + j - i % j


Write a program to find the next largest even multiple for the following values of i and j:

i j
365 7
12,258 23
996 4

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